Sunday, June 13, 2010

Yes, Virginia, global warming really exists… and other fun events!


Courtesy Photo The Sheridan Press

Photo Taken 5/24/10 Burgess Junction US HWY 14. 

March 18th  we returned from Our Friends’ wedding (Yeah, Cheri n Everett!!) in Newcastle.  Lovely wedding, lovely place.  We stopped at Devil’s Tower.  For the last 6 years we’ve been telling ourselves that we will go to DT “next time” we go east..  Finally, we did.  It was so worth it!   The kids had a blast.


I loved it! 


Robert enjoyed it as much as he could with a bum ankle.  


The kids climbed as many rocks as they could and wanted their picture taken on every single one.


It didn’t matter if it was a huge rock …


or a tiny one…


 or a tree…IMG_3118

or a sign… :)

I think we would all love to go camping at Devil’s Tower.  We will definitely return before another 6 years sneak up on us!

Kate had her Dance Recital in May.  She’s a little diva!  Her class danced to Elvis’ Hound Dog.  Totally cute!!!


Kate and her big sister, Chelsey.


Jonathan had his Orchestra concert.  I can’t believe that my little boy is growing up so fast!  At 9 years old and 3rd grade, he plays the violin better than I did at 11 and the 6th grade.  He already informed us that he will be pursuing a music scholarship!  Aim high big guy!!


Gabe had quite a few accomplishments this year.  We are so proud of him!! 

  • He earned his Arrow of Light, Cub Scouts highest award! 
  • He crossed over the 11 year old Scouts and is working hard on getting his Tenderfoot and Second Class out of the way.IMG_3163

  • He performed at the All Elementary Choir Concert – sorry, no pix..yet
  • He participated in the Sagebrush Elementary 5th Grade Science Fair.- He won 1st place for the Bio-Chemistry division and 2nd place Overall!  What a great kid!!  Who knew that leaving meat out to rot for 4 days was so cool!


  • Gabe graduated Elementary, earning a presidential award for Academic Excellence, numerous class awards for being smart, helpful and generally awesome!!  


Way to be awesome, Gabe!! 

Now on to Junior High!  I’m more than a little nervous since I did not have the best experiences in J Hi.  I have been assured by many people including the principal and counselor that Gabe will have a wonderful time! 

We have not watered our lawn once this season, though it has been mowed 4 times (yeah!! to the new self-propelled mower). 

The kids are watching a guinea pig for a friend.  Skittish little thing!  Not used to smallish type children!  If it ever warms up, the kids can take her outside for some fresh grass and sun.  Poor thing’s been stuck inside for almost a week.  They’ve been really good with her, not feeding her too much or too little, keeping their distance when she seems scared. 

Life is good!