Cristi!!!!! Yay Cristi!!
Ok.. I never got around to posting the pic of the prize, so here it is now...
{I just ordered these kits and will recieve them on Aug. 18th. Pictures will be coming soon!!}
The dates are: August 14–September 30, 2008
Featured Products:
Beginning August 14, purchase Just Because card kits using the following purchasing options and item numbers:
You can also visit my MyCTMH website (http://www.amaryllis.myctmh.com/) or http://www.closetomyheart.com/ and enter a contest to win a Grand Prize of $1,000 (US retail) in Close To My Heart products.
Purchase a From Me to You Card Kit for only $10 and all profits (purchase price less inventory and handling costs) will be donated to Operation Smile. Shipping & handling apply. Limit 5 card kits per person.
The Just Because card kit will be available free to qualifying Hostesses with $400 in Gathering sales totals, beginning Sept.1- Sept.30
Hope you like..
The picture above are the two ponds that my Grandpa helped make when his dad bought the place back in the 1940's. The picture below (yes I took that one and that is strait out of the camera!) is looking out over the Duck Creek Valley (I think) on the trail to Cascade Falls. You can even see the Moon.
So, when we get together at our reunion, you will hear "Remember me?, I'm So and So." And the replies are just like it "OH YEAH! good to see you again!" And we reminisce, sing songs on the porch at night, go swimming, make home made root beer, eat, make dry ice bombs (only after dark and down the road a piece at the creek where we are less likely to wake sleeping children), get thrown in the pond, eat, hike up to Cascade Falls, eat, get thrown in the pond (one needs it again after the freezing cold mountian water of the Falls!), eat, and playing lots of games.
Here is a view of the Fallsfrom a ways out on the trail. My little brother took this one a few years ago.
Cascade Falls is obviously on of my favorite activities at the reunion. I'll detail that more in another post.
Right now I want to share a video that my tallest brother, Charles, put together (he is #6 in my family). This video captures the fun and energy of my Family Reunion and really makes me wish I could have been there!
I wish I could just embed the video but it is stuck in Facebook. Please click on the link and have a laugh!
Just for kicks, here are a few photos from last year's reunion of my kids getting tossed in. And the big splash at the end, well, we'll just pretend that that was me. I did get thrown in, just not sure which splash was mine!
Here goes Jonathan.....
And there goes Gabe.....
Flying high!!!!!!
No worries, Uncle Charles was there to make sure no one stayed under...
Kate is such a trooper! She wanted to be in the middle of the fun, too! 2 years old!
The album can hold 24 pages.
Hope You Like!